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Evangelization through Encounter
- Thu, Feb 13Colorado SpringsIgnite your marriage with an elegant evening of dinner, photos, marital exhortation from Fr Nate and DANCING!
- Sat, Feb 22St. GabrielBishop Golka is joined by Lucas Pollice and other experts to strengthen our parenting. Lunch is provided; childcare is available. Mass and Holy Hour will be offered. Just $20 per ticket.
- Fri, Feb 28Mt St Francis, Inferno LodgeHigh School boys (14-18yrs) experience some time set apart living your true identity = a child of the King of the universe, battling to sainthood ...
- Fri, Mar 07Franciscan Retreat CenterSpend a peaceful weekend with our Lord in silence, contemplation & prayer at the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Special 30% Discount for Inferno Men with code: "MCCOSE25"
- Thu, Mar 27Our Lady of the Pines, Parish HallAs men, we are called to lead, provide and protect our families. How can we do this well, and in line with our faith, while spending so much time at work? Fr Nathan will encourage and highlight how there is no contradiction with being a saint and a successful businessman.
- Tue, Apr 22Saint Francis of Assisi, Castle RockFr Nate is a leader of men and has been inspiring Inferno from it's beginning. Join him and "Inferno North" leaders as they bring the fire upward and outward at St. Francis (Castle Rock) ... did I mention free craft beer and food???
- Sat, Jun 14John Venezia Park, CO SpringsLet's gather as a community to Celebrate Fatherhood! Inferno's 3rd annual officially timed Family run/walk. Also, bring a picnic & plan to stay and hang for food, fellowship & family friendly concert at the park! Race Starts at 8:30am from Pavilions
- Fri, Jun 27El Tesoro Retreat CenterDads, let's get our sons to the NEXT LEVEL and Initiate them to Manhood at R.O.P.E. this year! An experience of a lifetime so needed for our boys! Band with Bros on mission at this annual journey energized by this ceremony/retreat: June 27-29th
- Thu, Aug 07Buena Vista - Zimmer Camp SiteInferno's 4rd Annual "Father / Son COR Excursion"! Rafting, Repelling, Hiking, Climbing, Camping, Bond-firing, Prayer and Sacraments with Dads on Mission!
- Fri, Aug 22St Francis of Assisi Catholic ChurchThe importance of holy images in our lives with acclaimed Catholic artist, Elizabeth Zelasko.
- Fri, Aug 29Ponderosa Retreat CenterStrengthen your faith and family at the best Catholic Family Camp in CO!
- Thu, Sep 18Divine Redeemer Catholic ChurchCome to the altar with your family and adore our Savior, Jesus Christ, in the Eucharist! No cost event with dinner, praise, prayer, worship, inspiration and fellowship with Bishop Golka
- Fri, Sep 26Saint Gabriel the Archangel, COSDinner, Dancing, Pro Photos, Comedy, Happy Hour & powerful Marriage Message from Mike and Alicia Hernon (Founders of "the Messy Family" podcast)
- Sat, Nov 15The Antlers, Colorado SpringsIMC25 features Bishop Golka, Chris Stefanick, Fr Chad Ripperger, Jesse Romero, Keith Nester and Alex @ Voice of Reason! 7 different tracks. Adoration, Confession, Reliquary, Mass, Music, Prayer, Fellowship ... Come and See!
Building up the next generation of saints (click here or image for details).
"A movement prospers when men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit." - ancient proverb

Fight The Good Fight!
You Were Born for the Battle of Sainthood.
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
1 Timothy 6:12

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